Pillow Talk

Overlooking STI Behaviors

Coach Flo Season 1 Episode 10

Certain risk-taking bedroom activities can be thrilling. But are they really healthy? How can those risk benefit you?

The CDC reported 20 million STI infections to occur in the United States each year. Half of the infections happen with youth and young adults ages 15-24. Ironically, this age group is suffering from COVID-19 infections as well. Risky behaviors may be to blame.

Consequences of risk-taking behaviors are rarely thought about for youth and young adults.  At-risk behavior is anything that puts youth at risk for future negative consequences, like poor health, injury or death. And while risky behavior as a teen isn't a new concept (most adults can likely recall at least a few poor choices they made as a teen), the type of risks teens are taking are shifting. One of the reasons risky behavior is so common during adolescence is because the teen brain isn't yet fully developed.

In this episode we explore youth and young adult sexual risks for STIs. Tips to reduce or stop the spread of infections are given. The audience is made aware how STI's have impact US healthcare system too.

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